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Each delicious Nirvana Bar is full of over 25 natural ingredients including soothing fruits, plants, nuts, and spices to promote relief from inflammation associated with exercise.
GOJI VEGAN. Same purposeful ingredients in a delicious new flavor.
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Age - 46
"As a physician, I love that Nirvana Bars are made with known anti-inflammatory ingredients such as turmeric, green tea, and ginger. And they taste delicious!”
Age- 39
“Not only do these bars taste amazing, but they actually got the texture right. Nirvana Bars has officially changed my idea of what a protein bar can be. Also, they include ingredients that help reduce inflammation and I don’t have to worry about bad sugars — which is a big deal to me.”
Age - 78
"I really enjoy all flavors of this product and use it as motivation for my gym workout...no more avoiding workouts because of inflammation fallout. I train 2x weekly with weights. I eat one within an hour after training and after doing yard work. They are a healthy and organic way to stop soreness before it starts...much better than grabbing something filled with sugar.”
Hedda, Valentine, NE
Age - 24
These delicious bars have top quality ingredients, and aregreat as a quick breakfast on the go, or a snack with extra nutrition. Alltheir flavors are awesome!
Amazon Review
The taste is "just right!" Perfect "on thego" breakfast to eat during the week on your commute. No utensils or dirtydishes required!
Amazon Review
Love, Love, Love Nirvana Bars! I bring a bar to work with meeveryday... it's the perfect afternoon snack. Fills me up and gives me so muchenergy!
Davis, CA
First protein bar that I really liked the taste - but, moreimportantly, after a month of having one bar daily, I noticed my osteoarthritiswas better! I'm guessing that the anti-inflammatory ingredients are helping myjoints too.
Lexington, MA
I eat a Nirvana Bar every day! They taste great and are fullof awesome ingredients. I am a long distance runner and I swear these helpreduce aches and pain and aid in general recovery from the many miles I log.Thank you!
MorganHill, CA (Amazon Review)
This bar is truly outstanding! It tastes amazing and naturalwithout any of the cardboard chalky texture of regular protein bars. Iespecially love that I can understand all the ingredients, and theanti-inflammatory component of it is just icing on top of the cake!
WalnutCreek, CA
As aphysician, I love that Nirvana Bars are made with known anti-inflammatoryingredients such as turmeric, green tea, and ginger. And they taste delicious.
Mary Jo
Becket, MA (Amazon Review)
The bars are not only delicious, but supporting smallbusiness is important, especially when it comes to healthy foods. These barsare great for snacking and provide just the right nutritious sweet to keep yougoing! They will be a part of my marathon training recovery from now on!
Silver Spring, MD
I have been very pleased with the Nirvana Bars. Not only have theyhelped with my knee pain when running, but they taste great. I eat them beforeI workout or run to reduce inflammation and keep them in my car as a healthysnack (high fiber and protein) during my long commutes.
Parker, CO
I was searching for a healthy bar with anti-inflammatoryingredients and proportion of fiber and protein that I couldn’t find in otherbars. I found such a composition in Nirvana Bars. Great before or aftertraining, or just when you need a quick, healthy (and delicious) alternative.Thank you, Nirvana Bars!
Old Bridge, NJ
They are so delicious. The ingredients are so healthy and natural.I have a bar every morning after my banana. I heard about them from the Chopracenter. I always order the next two boxes ahead of time because I do not wantto be without them. My husband loves them also.
Fairfield, IA
I think these bars are great: healthy ingredients and allthree flavors are delicious. I’m training for an October marathon, and haveespecially been enjoying a bar to aid with recovery after my weekend long runs.Also a good meal replacement occasionally.
RioVista, CA
Not only dothese bars taste amazing, but they actually got the texture right. Nirvana Barshas officially changed my idea of what a protein bar can be. Also, they includeingredients that help reduce inflammation and I don’t have to worry about badsugars- which is a big deal to me.
New Concord, OH
Nirvana Bars are extremely moist and delicious. I plan tocontinue to use them daily!
Roseville, CA
I have tried quite a few other protein bars and these stand outway above the rest. I absolutely love the taste and eat one before going to thegym and another when I get home. I have noticed a difference in how my bodyfeels after a hard work-out and they are delicious. I would recommend these toanyone who’s trying to get extra protein in their diet. Great product!!!
Saint Augustine, FL
They are very tasty, filling and not overly sweet. The factthat the ingredients are top notch and there is actually a nutritionalcomponent to them is an added bonus. When I’m scheduled for long days in theclinic, I bring a smoothie and Nirvana Bar and know I will make it through theday.
Port Townsend, WA
These yummy, lovingly researched and concocted health bombs arethe kind of thing I invent and make in my imagination and now Nirvana can do itfor me!
Amazon Review
I like these bars. I like both the taste and texture. As a seniorathlete (60+) I am very concerned about inflammation and recovery and love thefact that these bars have the Turmeric in them.
Amazon Review
I had numerous injuries over the past few years that causedexcessive weight gain. I have made Nirvana bars apart of my daily diet over thepast 8 months while working out and getting back in shape from those injuries.I have now lost over 50 lbs and being over 50 years old is not easy to do. Thetaste is great and what a huge plus to have all the quality ingredients andrelief from inflammation after workouts each day. I highly suggest theseprotein bar for anyone.
Amazon Review
It was not heavy like some power bars and it provided thesustenance I needed especially after surfing. Several times I had to rely onthis bar as a lunch substitute and it held me over the rest of the day. Theyare pricey, but I understand why with all the ingredients.
Amazon Review
These are a great macro balanced, minimal ingredient bar thathelps with inflammation! They are delicious, nutritious and make you ambitious!
Amazon Review
I take them to work and snack on them throughout the day andfind them very useful for traveling especially internationally when I am inplaces that do not allow for a healthy snack for a quick pick me up. I need tomaintain an even blood sugar and these help me do that. I highly recommendthem!
Amazon Review
Love, Love, Love Nirvana Bars! I bring a bar to work with meeveryday... it's the perfect afternoon snack. Fills me up and gives me so muchenergy!
Amazon Review
The bar is delicious and though you may want to gobble itdown, it’s great energy bar to savor. I eat 1/2 a bar every day —sometimesmore.I’ve ordered 3 times. The bars are giving me more strength and flexibility. Ihaven’t been sick, achy, or in any pain since I’ve added these to my diet. Ithink it’s because they are highly charged with antioxidants.
Dane GirlRenee
Amazon Review
Found this company and bought a box after researching theingredients. I began eating one for breakfast each day for a couple weeks nowand have been surprised at how quickly I'm recovering after some pretty intenseworkouts. And, bonus.......they taste phenomenal! I'm not usually a fan ofnutrition bars. They either hurt my stomach or taste awful, or both! These arejust perfection. I just bought 2 more boxes since I never want to run out!Thank you, Nina & Nedda, for your amazing contribution to my journey backto health!